DIY Nature Masks with Natural Earth Paint

DIY Nature Masks with Natural Earth Paint

In our most recent Toddler Nature Art Class, we had a great time making Nature Masks in preparation for Halloween! 

You can incorporate any natural items that you find around your neighborhood. We used seeds, feathers, flower buds and petals, sparkly Mica Pigment and Natural Earth Paint


Step 1: Collect nature items in you neighborhood or around your house. Sometimes this is the most fun part!

Step 2: Trace and cut out paper masks with eye holes. 

Step 3: Mix up your Natural Earth Paint and paint away! Let the masks dry before proceeding to the next step.

Step 4: Glue on your nature items in any design you see fit!

Step 5: Glue a strip of paper onto the back of the mask right above the eye holes. Measure the child's head to see how big it should be, then staple or glue the ends together.

Here are some masterpieces created in our group!

Interested in more crafts featuring Natural Earth Paint products? Visit our Nature Crafts DIY page!
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