Natural Earth Paint Featured on Blog Cera de Colores!

Natural Earth Paint Featured on Blog Cera de Colores!

Our Earth & Mineral Pigments and Natural Earth Paint Kit were featured on the blog Cera de Colores!

Blogger and mother Ariane from Brazil writes about her experience using Natural Earth Paint during her Art Therapy sessions on her blog. Check out the full article here.

"For me it is very important to know where the materials I use in my creativity workshops come from with the children and also with the adults in the art therapy sessions. I believe that working with 100% natural materials gives me truth in a world in which we have less and less of an idea about where things come from and there are more counterfeits of all kinds of materials. Likewise, the stimuli and sensations that children and adults can receive with these materials already do a great job for themselves and are even part of the therapy."

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