Valentine’s Day Hearts with Eco-Friendly Air Dry Clay

Valentine’s Day Hearts with Eco-Friendly Air Dry Clay

Just in time for Valentine's Day, we've cooked up an extra-special eco-friendly clay tutorial featuring our Natural Earth Paint Kit! It's perfect for kids of all ages looking for a hands-on crafting activity for the holiday. 


  • 1 Cup of Baking Soda 
  • 1/2 Cup of Corn Starch 
  • 3/4 Cup of Water
  • 1 Non-Stick Skillet or Pot 
  • Natural Earth Paint

Step 1: Measure your baking soda, corn starch and water and add these three ingredients into your non-stick pan.

Step 2: Turn your stove to medium heat and stir the mixture together. At first it will be clumpy but keep stirring until you reach a smooth consistency.

Step 3: After your mixture reaches a smooth consistency, keep stirring and your mixture will begin to thicken. You want the mixture too thicken to the point where it clumps together and is no longer sticky.

Step 4: Your clay will be hot so set it to the side to cool down before using.

Step 5: When your clay has cooled down you are ready to begin working with it. Before making your hearts you want to knead your clay to soften it and get the air bubbles out.

Step 6: If your clay crumbles and feels like it is drying out, add a little bit of water to the center of your clay and fold the clay inward. Repeat this process until the clay is soft again.

Step 7: Create!

Step 8: When you are finished creating, set your hearts onto a non stick surface such as wood or ceramic to dry. If it is drying on a ceramic plate, make sure to flip the pieces every few hours that way the water on the underneath can evaporate. It can take up to 24 hours for your clay to dry.

Step 9: Mix your Natural Earth Paints! You can do while waiting for your hearts to dry and then store it away until they are ready. You can also wait to mix your paints until you are ready to paint. Try to mix as much as you will need for one painting session. Scoop your Natural Earth Paint into your mixing container.

Step 10: Add the same amount of water scoops to your container that you did for your paint.

Step 11: Mix your Natural Earth Paint and water and you’re ready to paint!

Step 12: When your hearts are done drying you’re ready to paint them with Natural Earth Paint!

Step 13: You’ll need a paint brush, some water, and Natural Earth Paint at your station.

Step 14: Paint away!

Step 15: If you have a permanent marker you can also draw designs on your hearts once the Natural Earth Paint has dried.

More of a visual learner? Watch the video version of this tutorial here!

Interested in more crafts featuring Natural Earth Paint products? Visit our Nature Crafts DIY page!
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