Tie-dyed square and dye bottles with the words "DIY: all natural tie-dyed" superimposed over it

All-Natural Tie Dye with Earth & Mineral Pigments

Tie dyeing is a classic way to add fun, colorful designs to towels, shirts, and different fabrics as a great Summertime craft. 

But the conventional tie dye kits contain toxic, petroleum based dyes and chemicals that we'd like to avoid. Let's go back to our ancestral roots and use earth and plant-based ingredients to create the same beautiful results!


  • 1/4 cup soybeans
  • Water
  • Mason Jar
  • Blender
  • Fabric for straining the mixture (sheer stockings fabric works great for this!)
  • Earth & Mineral Pigments
  • Reusable bottles
  • Rubber bands
  • Wide tupper ware or bowl
  • Fabric (for dyeing!)
Empty glass jar next to two pigment packets and measuring cup full of soy beans

First, here's how to make the soy milk binder:

(Note: store-bought soy milk does not work as an effective binder!)

1. Add 1/4 cup of soybeans to a mason jar and enough water to completely submerge the soybeans. Let the soybeans sit in the jar overnight.

Glass jar filled with soy beans and water next to measuring cup of soy beans

2. Pour the soybean mixture into a blender and add 3 cups of warm water.

Soy bean and water mixture sitting in glass blender

3. Blend the mixture on high for 5 minutes.

4. Prepare your filter by wrapping the top of the mason jar with stockings fabric and securing with a rubber band.

Blended up mixture of water and soy beans sitting in blender next to empty glass jar

5. Filter the blended soybean mixture through the fabric. You'll need to periodically scoop out the soybean pulp that collects in the filter.

Soy bean and water mixture being strained through fabric into a glass jar

6. Add some soymilk to a large container and dilute with four parts water. (The amount of soymilk used will depend on the size of the fabric you want to dye)

Soymilk mixture sitting in glass jar and open square container

7. Place your fabric in the soymilk mixture. Make sure that EVERY part of the fabric absorbs the soymilk!

White fabric submerged in soy milk mixture sitting in square container

8. Hang the fabric outside to dry. In the meantime, begin making the dyes.

Making the dyes:

1. Add 1/2 tablespoon of Earth & Mineral Pigment to one of your reusable bottles. Add 3-4 tablespoons of filtered soymilk and then dilute with 4 parts water. Shake the bottle to ensure that the pigment is thoroughly mixed. (You can add more pigment for deeper colors)

Plastic squeeze bottle filled with green soymilk mixture sitting next to pigment packaging

2. When your fabric has dried, prepare your design. I prepared a spiral design by pinching the center of the fabric and twisting to form a cinnamon-roll like shape, then using three rubber bands to divide the fabric into 6 sections.

Hand grabbing a white, square piece of fabric and twisting it
Fabric bunched up and tied with rubber band - squeeze bottle filled with green soymilk squirting ontofabric

3. Begin to add your dye to the fabric in whatever pattern you choose. Make sure to get between the folds of the fabric as well.

two squeeze bottles filled with red and green soymilk sitting behind dyed fabric bundle

4. Let the fabric sit with the dye overnight. Then remove the rubber bands, rinse off any excess dye, and hang to dry.

square piece of tie-dyed fabric laid out showing finished product

Ta-da! An all-natural tie dye!

Interested in more crafts featuring Natural Earth Paint products? Visit our Nature Crafts DIY page!
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