DIY Eco-Friendly Stamp Pad & Stamps with Natural Earth Paint

DIY Eco-Friendly Stamp Pad & Stamps with Natural Earth Paint

Little ones love stamps, but conventional stamps and stamp pads are made from harmful plastics and toxic ink ingredients. Create your own stamps and stamp pads at home with Natural Earth Paint!


  • Natural Earth Paint Kit
  • Paper towels
  • Small washable plates
  • Any household items that would make interesting marks (pencil erasers, golf tees, wine corks, toothpaste caps, cut fruit or vegetables, flowers, Q-tips, toilet paper rolls, etc.)

Step 1: Fold a few sheets of paper towels into a square and moisten with water. Place on a small plate or dish.

Step 2: Pour a few spoonfuls of Natural Earth Paint on the paper towels and begin stamping with anything!

The possibilities are endless!

Interested in more crafts featuring Natural Earth Paint products? Visit our Nature Crafts DIY page!
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