Eco-Friendly Decorative Picture Frames for Mother's Day

Eco-Friendly Decorative Picture Frames for Mother's Day


Step 1: Choose Your Paint

Choose which type of paint you’d like to use. For this tutorial, we're using our Natural Earth Paint Kit, but our Natural Acrylic Paint Recipe also works great as a more permanent option.

Step 2: Mix Your Paint

If you're using the Natural Earth Paint Kit, add a 1:1 ratio of paint powder to water and mix them together.

If you're making acrylic paint, follow our Natural Acrylic Paint Recipe with our Natural Acrylic Medium and Earth & Mineral Pigments

Step 3: Painting

Get creative with your beautiful colors and experiment with fun shapes such as squiggly lines, dots and stripes.

Step 4: Paint Your Stones

When painting your stones, start with a base coat of the main color you want to use.Then, once the paint has dried, add any designs you'd like with a different color.

Optional: Varnish
Use our Natural Varnish for a waterproof and debris-resistant seal on your paint. The varnish can be used on both picture frame and on the rocks.

Step 5: Glue

Glue your painted stones to your picture frame. We chose to outline the center of the frame with them. They would also look great placed in a design of your choice or distributed randomly across your frame. 

Step 6: Final Touches

Add a photograph or a note to the frame and it’s ready to be gifted!

More of a visual learner? Check out our video tutorial!

Interested in more crafts featuring Natural Earth Paint products? Visit our Nature Crafts DIY page!
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