Endless Summer Nature Crafts with Natural Earth Paint

Endless Summer Nature Crafts with Natural Earth Paint

As summer comes to an end, take advantage of the last few weeks of warm weather with these all-natural craft projects using found objects from nature and our Natural Earth Paint!

Painted Shell Collage


  1. Paint your shells with Natural Earth Paint
  2. Glue the shells to a scrap piece of wood or stiff paper board in pretty patterns or in shape of animals, flowers, etc.

Natural Wizard Staffs & Fairy Wands


1. Paint your wood one solid color, let dry, and then paint designs to create magic wands, wizard staffs or fairy wands.

2. Optional: Get creative and add feathers or recycled ribbon streamers to the top or glue on small stones or gems. Use your imagination!

Nature Animals & Flower Petal Fairies


  1. Gather colorful leaves and flower petals in nature or your own backyard.
  2. Glue the leaves and petals on card stock to create animals, wings, clothes, magic wands, etc.
  3. Use your Natural Earth Paint paint arms, legs, eyes, smiles, and other details. 

Interested in more crafts featuring Natural Earth Paint products? Visit our Nature Crafts DIY page!
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