Close up shot of a person wearing a white dress, walking while holding 3 shopping bags in one hand

Natural Earth Paint featured in Green America's Sustainable Alternatives to Amazon!

Natural Earth Paint was featured in Green America's Sustainable Alternatives to Amazon article this holiday season!

"Below is a new and expanded version of our previous article "12 Greener Options than Amazon!" The updated list includes businesses selling clothing and accessories, personal care products, home products, toys and crafts, books and entertainment, pet supplies and toys, home cleaning products, and food and supplements.

During the pandemic, when more than 30 million Americans lost their jobs, retail giant Amazon thrived, earning more than $20 BILLION in profits. Even though Amazon has been raking in profits, it has failed to protect workers — its injury rates are double the industry average!


Plus, Amazon's carbon footprint increased in 2019, it has a history of selling unsafe products to consumers, and recent reports have shown that the company undercuts competition and small businesses.

Workers and small businesses need all the support they can get during this time. So before making your next purchase from Amazon, consider trying one of the small business options below!"

"Natural Earth Paint: using natural earth pigments and organic ingredients to create non-toxic art supplies, paints, face paints and craft kits for children and fine artists."

Read the full article here.

Close up shot of a person wearing a white dress, walking while holding 3 shopping bags in one hand

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