Recipe: Natural Cold Porcelain Clay

Recipe: Natural Cold Porcelain Clay

Natural Cold Porcelain Clay is a perfect substitute for toxic polymer clay, and it allows for even finer detail and ease of sculpting. 

It's also incredibly inexpensive and super simple to make. The clay is air-dried so no need for baking, and it dries to a light weight, luminous, stone-like texture. It's perfect for kids and professional artists alike! The DIY cold porcelain recipes that we found online all called for conventional glue or PVA which can contain dangerous chemicals and emit high VOCs, so instead, we have a simple recipe using only three natural ingredients.


Step 1: Mix the baking soda, cornstarch, and water in a pot or skillet and place on your stovetop over medium heat.

Step 2: Keep stirring the mixture until the clay thickens so that the clay can be lifted out of the pot in one piece (this may take up to 10-15 minutes!).

Step 3: Set the clay aside to cool. 

Step 4: When cooled, if the clay is too sticky to knead, place it back on the stovetop to heat again. You'll want the clay to be soft enough to knead, but not too soft where it sticks to your hands like a paste.

Step 5: After the clay is properly cooled, it's time to create! The clay takes several hours to a day to dry.

Options for Coloring the Clay:

1. Paint the clay after it dries: paint on Natural Earth Paint or Natural Earth Oil Paint and let dry.

2. Knead in the color before drying: mix some Natural Earth Pigments or Earth & Mineral Pigments (for children and fine artists, respectively) with water and add the pigment-and-water mixture to the clay while kneading. 

Note: If you have any leftover clay, store it in an airtight container and keep inside your fridge until you're ready to create more!

More of a visual learner? Check out our Clay Hearts tutorial, featuring this Natural Cold Porcelain Clay recipe!

Interested in more recipes featuring Natural Earth Paint products? Visit our Recipes page!
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