Lucky Painted Rocks with Natural Earth Paint

Lucky Painted Rocks with Natural Earth Paint


Start off by collecting any rocks you might have found on a past nature walk. If you don't have any then its a perfect time to head out for a walk. Look for rocks that are smaller than the palm of your hand, but larger than a quarter.

Mix up your Natural Earth Paint and start painting some liquid luck onto those rocks. We went with clovers, pot of gold, hearts, and rainbows for a St. Patrick's Day theme. The more creative, the better!

Once your rock masterpieces are dry, they will need to be sealed in order to protect them from the weather. Here in Oregon, we've had our fair share of rain and snow this winter.

To seal your rocks, coat them in a layer of Natural Varnish or Natural Acrylic Medium, and set them out to dry.  

Now the real fun begins!

While you are out in your community, place one of your painted rocks where it can be found by a passerby. Some fun options are on a low hanging tree branch, a bench, the side of walking path, a fire hydrant, or near the door of your local grocery store. Or, you can hand them straight to any cashier, mail person, teacher, loved one, or stranger you pass by! Whoever finds your rock will be a little bit luckier that day (and if you don't believe in luck, you can be certain you'll at least put a smile on their face!).

Interested in more crafts featuring Natural Earth Paint products? Visit our Nature Crafts DIY page!
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