I have been looking for a better option for acrylics for a long time. I love that the paints are safer health wise, and more environmentally friendly. The colors are vibrant and wonderful, as good as any other paints. I am happy to support your company and will use your paints from now on. I would like to explore more of your products as well.
Thank you!!!!!
I received my order for pigments and was not disappointed. The pigments are just as they promised and are excellent! I will be ordering more soon! Thank you!
I bought 4 colors to try & really like them. They are more opaque than the other acrylics I have used. They seem to dry a little faster on my wet palette but I can work with that. They mix well with my other acrylics but I hope to reduce those and eventually phase them out. The only drawback for me is that I paint landscapes featuring water a lot & could use more blues & greens like phthalos. I love that these are more earth & health friendly.
I was painting with standard fluid acrylics and mediums. Even though I’m an environmentalist and had dreamed about painting with natural paint , I was worried they would be too expensive and difficult to obtain. But when my hand broke out with burns and welts from the chemicals, I knew it was time to make the change. I use Natural Earth acrylik medium to both thin and extend paints and to mix my own acrylic paint using powdered pigment. And so far, I am loving the effect; and I feel good about the nontoxic element as well.