DIY Decorative Banners with the Earth Flags Craft Kit

DIY Decorative Banners with the Earth Flags Craft Kit

With spring coming to an end, now is the perfect time to take down old décor and create new decorations for your home! 

These banners are perfect for seasonal décor; they can also be used as decorations for celebrations like baby showers, wedding showers, graduations, and birthday parties. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create decorative banners for any occasion!


Step 1: Empty the paint content from the packages into their individual containers. Mix in water to the dry paints in small increments until you achieve a creamy consistency.

Note: Make sure to only use the amount of paint you think you’ll need!

Step 2: Now that the paints are mixed and ready, the fun part begins! Paint colorful, custom designs onto the hemp flags. Our Earth Flags Craft Kit contains four hemp flags, so the possibilities are endless!

Step 3: Once you’ve finished painting the flags to your liking, thread the hemp rope through the loops that are sewn in the flags to create a banner perfect for brightening up any room!

More of a visual learner? Check out our video tutorial here!

Interested in more crafts featuring Natural Earth Paint products? Visit our Nature Crafts DIY page!
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